Free Printable Vegan Coloring Page for Kids & Adults

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World of Vegan Coloring Page
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My little one still thinks crayons and markers are for eating and doesn’t yet appreciate the fine art of coloring. But I can absolutely appreciate that finding an activity to occupy our kids—for even five or ten minutes—is a true gift. Especially in the midst of a pandemic. So I’m beyond excited to share our latest printable coloring page for vegan parents and vegan kids alike. 

The first two coloring pages we released at World of Vegan—our vegan Zentangle and Eat More Plants coloring page—have become some of our most popular resources. When Covid-19 hit and parents all around the world suddenly became their own daycare—day in and day out—the hunger for simple mindful activities was running high. So we decided to team up with artists we love to create an activity for conscious families. Not only entertain, but to stimulate discussion around kindness, health, sustainability, and other important issues. 

Print It. Color It. Hang It On The Fridge!

Nothing makes a house a home like hand-colored art hanging on your fridge. Let your child know that they will be creating the next piece of artwork you’ll be hanging in your home. Your words of encouragement can empower them to put extra love and care into creating something really special. 

We hope this fruit-and-vegetable-inspired printable coloring page will give your children a fun activity while also providing you with a few minutes of peace and quiet. You can download it below!

World of Vegan Coloring Page


Can You Find All Four Hidden Elements?

Are you a lover of Where’s Waldo? I know I was as a kid! Even as an adult I love searching for the hidden gems. You’ll find that our artist integrated a few hidden elements in this coloring page in the same spirit!  

See if your child can find the:

  • bird
  • snail
  • key
  • lady bug

Artist Spotlight

We’re thrilled to be teaming up with vegan artist Luna Vostres. Luna is an incredibly talented illustrator from the Ukraine who is also passionate about helping to inspire a kinder world. 

I think it’s necessary to show people that there’s a different way to live in this world, save some part of nature, and just be kinder. – Luna (Daria) Vostres

Luna’s grandmother was a pescatarian for more than 30 years, and she remembers spending time with her grandmother’s hens as she grew up. She recalls that they lived just like cats or dogs—not in cages but free to roam, explore, and play. She became friends with them, appreciating that each had a unique personality and temper. When she learned that these sweet animals were raised to be killed for food, it felt to her like killing a friend. 

With a strong love for animals, Luna wanted to be a veterinary doctor, but she also loved to draw. When she began to explore what she wanted to study in school, she sought advice from her grandmother. Her grandmother told her that art can provide people with inspiration to be kinder, which are sentiments you’ll see reflected in her work today. 

We first worked together on this rescued turkey art to inspire people to leave this beautiful animal off their plates and celebrate a vegan Thanksgiving. She is now working on a series of coloring pages and art resources to share with the community. 

Want to Share Your Finished Art?

We’d absolutely love to see your finished art! You can tag us on Instagram (@vegan) and send us a direct message to make sure we see it. If you’d like your art to be shared, send it by email to michelle (at) worldofvegan (dot) com with a note providing permission to share and your social media handles for us to tag. 

Don’t Miss Our Other Vegan Kids Activity Resources!

This vegan downloadable coloring page was designed by Luna Vostres for World of Vegan. Grab some colored pencils or markers, print it at home, and enjoy! This vegan parenting resource is intended for personal use only—all rights reserved. 

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